Tuning adjustments

How do I adjust my custom tuning settings?


Adjusting settings for your custom tuning is very easy and can be done right from your phone or laptop. On your account web profile home page, click on the vehicle/VIN that you want to customize.

If you do not see your VIN on your home page, it means you have not completed the AutoSync setup procedure properly and have not paired it to WiFi. You must follow the AutoSync quick-start guide and connect your AutoSync to WiFi before doing any tune adjustments.

Select the feature group, and setting that you want to adjust. Please read the feature description carefully! Some of the module settings can be somewhat complex and should be reviewed several times before making changes.

NOTE: The following pictures are showing tune setting examples for the BCM (Body Control Module). Obviously different modules will have different settings available.

Once you have made the changes to the tune setting, be sure to click the "Update" button to save your new setting. The "setting enabled" check box must be checked as well. If you wish to remove your changes and revert back to the stock values, click the "Delete" button.

Another example of adjusting a tune setting that uses numeric values. Please pay extra attention the "units" of the values. For example, some time values might be in seconds, others might be in milliseconds (1000mS = 1 second).

Once you have adjusted the tune settings to your desired values, please do the AutoSync firmware update to download the tune files from the cloud onto the AutoSync device. It is highly recommended to make all of your changes at once BEFORE doing the AutoSync firmware update. There are certain limits with how many AutoSync firmware updates/downloads are allowed per day/month, so you do NOT want to do multiple firmware updates in a row, which may result in you being locked out for 24 hours.